Public Notices and Press Releases

Victory; Suffolk County Red Light Camera Program Dead Albany, NY

Contact: Angelo Veltri (631) 905-9667
For Immediate Release


Victory; Suffolk County Red Light Camera Program Dead Albany, NY – Yesterday, the New York State Senate adjourned for their 2024 legislative

session without voting on Suffolk County’s Red Light Camera program extension.

“Suffolk’s Red Light Camera program has been a massive burden for all Long Islanders who live and work in the county,” said Angelo Veltri, President of Save Long Island. “They make our streets less safe, infringe on privacy rights, and afford little-to-no due process when fighting them.”

This past Tuesday the Suffolk County Legislature met without approving a “home rule” message to Albany, which was in part to there being no sponsor in the Senate to carry the bill.

Save Long Island members and supporters made tons of calls to their Senators demanding they not take up the Red Light Camera reauthorization bill and with the mounting pressure to get re-elected this year, the Senate upheld their promise to constituents.

“This outcome solidifies that the suburbs of Long Island will fight tooth and nail against the tyrannical policies emanating out of New York City, which make North Korea's governance seem like a bastion of liberty in comparison,” said Ian Escalante, Director of Grassroots at Save Long Island.

Save Long Island will continue working with its members and supporters at the local level to ensure that any future attempts to reintroduce the Red Light Camera program are met with strong opposition and that local government remains accountable to the needs and rights of Long Island residents. 

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