Sayville Church Removes Controversial Sign, Stirring Anger Among Some Community Members.


The Sayville United Methodist Church displayed a sign that read: "Heaven enforces strict immigration laws, while Hell maintains open borders."

Although the sign has been removed, its presence sparked considerable attention and discussion.

The church's pastor informed News 12 that she was unaware of the sign, expressing fury upon discovery and promptly having it removed.

The pastor mentioned that the individual responsible for the sign had been putting up signs for years. However, she asserted that moving forward, he would no longer be handling "sign ministry" independently.

A church representative informed News 12 that the sign incident was deemed a "mistake," expressing a hope that it wouldn't negatively impact the church's standing in the community.

Yaritza Mendez from Make the Road NY, a nonprofit, characterized the sign as "horrible." She emphasized her belief that every individual, regardless of their religious belief, gender, or origin, should be welcomed in the United States.

Tom Keyes, a Sayville resident, expressed that he wasn't offended by the sign, stating, "It's a free country."

Judy Pinnella from Babylon, citing the separation of church and state, described the sign as "disturbing."

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