Patchogue Community Divided on Riverfront Hotel Plan


On a bustling Tuesday evening, residents of Patchogue gathered in full force, occupying every available seat in Village Hall. The focal point of discussion was a proposed riverfront hotel, characterized by its five-story structure and plans for 116 rooms, accompanied by a rooftop restaurant.

Guiding the audience through the intricacies of the proposal was James Manicone, representing JM2 Architecture, based in Farmingville. He shed light on the aspirations of the applicant, West Avenue Partners, LLC, emphasizing their desire to bring to life a Tempo by Hilton hotel at the strategic southwest corner of West Avenue and Division Street.

The comprehensive plans encompass a diverse array of accommodations, featuring 56 king rooms, 50 double queens, 10 hotel suites, and 14 two-bedroom and two one-bedroom apartments. In addition to lodging options, the proposed development envisions large event spaces, a spacious gym, and a rooftop restaurant and bar. Notably, the latter boasts a 3,000-square-foot outdoor seating area, designed to be accessible to the public.

As part of the transformative initiative, the property's existing structure, Bowl Long Island, a once vibrant bowling alley closed permanently by the Eggert family in November 2021, is slated for demolition. The proposed project aims not only to offer a contemporary hospitality experience but also to repurpose and revitalize the space, fostering a dynamic and engaging environment for both residents and visitors alike.

According to Manicone, "Speaking with the Hilton people, they did a very comprehensive and extensive feasibility study to make sure their brand would fit in with the village. In my 30 years of doing this, I can see that Hilton has this down to a science, and they know... the Village of Patchogue is an excellent spot for a hotel."

After a 45-minute presentation by Manicone, the public response was divided, with some expressing support for the hotel project, while others voiced opposition.

Some residents and property owners believe that a hotel would enhance the already thriving economic and cultural atmosphere of Patchogue's downtown. Rob Mannino, a partner at Kulka LLC, based in Hauppauge and involved in The Grove complex planned for 400 E. Main Street in East Patchogue, expressed this sentiment. He emphasized the excellence of Patchogue's downtown, attributing its greatness to the community, forward-thinking leadership, and the myriad businesses, shops, restaurants, and breweries that invest considerable time, energy, and resources into serving the community.

Mannino asserted that denying these businesses the opportunity that the hotel project could bring would be almost criminal. Additionally, he highlighted the potential benefits for residents, providing them with a fantastic venue for friends and family to visit and enjoy the downtown area they have collectively invested in.

Residents raised environmental and traffic concerns, prompting Planning Board chairperson John Rocco to assure that these questions would be recorded in the public record. He mentioned that these concerns would undergo thorough examination through studies if the proposed hotel progresses through the standard approval process.

Opposition to the hotel was voiced by some residents, particularly those residing closest to the proposed site on Amity Street and West Avenue. Their concerns centered around parking and aesthetics, highlighting these issues as paramount considerations for homeowners in the vicinity.

Karen Turnquist, a resident who has owned a home on West Avenue for five years, expressed immediate concerns following Tuesday's public hearing. She stated, "First of all, it’s too huge. It’s at the beginning of a residential street. I didn’t buy a house close to something that commercial. Second, the parking [is an issue]. There’s 116 hotel rooms, 16 apartments, a lot of them are two-bedroom, plus employees... Where is that parking going to go? That overflow parking is going to be in front of my house, and we already have issues. I can’t even imagine if there’s an event [at the hotel] what the parking is going to be like."

In response to the public's parking concerns, Manicone addressed the crowded Village Hall, stating that discussions with the Patchogue Ferry Terminal have been initiated to tackle overflow parking. He also mentioned that around 35 to 40 percent of hotel guests are anticipated to arrive by train, potentially alleviating parking congestion.

The Planning Board, having heard from Manicone and the public on Tuesday evening, will use this input to formulate their recommendation to the board of trustees regarding the proposed change of zone from E-Industrial to Hotel. The establishment of the new "Hotel Zone" in the village code last month followed a public hearing and a review by the Suffolk County Planning Commission.

If the Planning Board recommends and the trustees approve the zone change, the hotel would still undergo an application process involving traffic studies, site plan approvals, public hearings, and potential plan alterations. In the event that the trustees do not approve the change of zone, the applicant might pursue approvals for multiple variances needed to construct a hotel in the Industrial zone, a more prolonged process.

Manicone emphasized the early stage of the project, stating at the end of Tuesday's hearing, "We are in the early stages here. Discussions with historical districts, discussions with civic groups, discussions with other community members, we certainly want to have. We want your input because we want this to be a very special place to be."

Planning Board member Dennis Logan, after the public hearing, was unable to specify when the board would provide its recommendation to the board of trustees, emphasizing the need to thoroughly assess the extensive input. Written comments from the public regarding the proposal are still welcomed and will be considered. Logan noted, "There’s a lot to digest. We’re breaking new ground here."

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