"Long Island Pet Store Faces $300K Fine as Attorney General Cracks Down on Sale of Ailing Puppies"


In a recent announcement, Attorney General Letitia James revealed that a New York pet store, boasting two establishments in Nassau County, is obligated to compensate over 175 customers who, unbeknownst to them, purchased ailing puppies. The total amount to be paid by the pet store is nearly $300,000. This enforcement highlights the commitment to consumer protection and animal welfare in the region.

Under the terms of the settlement, Shake A Paw is mandated to overhaul its business practices following an in-depth investigation by the attorney general's office. The probe uncovered egregious conditions in which dogs were kept, characterized as inhumane. Moreover, the pet store was found culpable of selling puppies in a critically ill state, with some unfortunate buyers experiencing the heartbreaking loss of their pets within mere days or weeks of purchase. Attorney General Letitia James emphasized the necessity for reform to ensure the well-being of animals and prevent further harm to unsuspecting customers.

The implicated locations in Lynbrook on Atlantic Avenue and Hicksville on South Broadway were specifically mentioned in the investigation, further underscoring the geographic scope of the pet store's problematic practices.

Patch contacted the owner of the Shake A Paw locations for a statement; however, the owner was not readily available for comment at this time.

"New Yorkers, when acquiring a dog, aspire to welcome loyal and affectionate additions to their families. Purchasing a puppy, unaware of its health issues, can be profoundly disheartening," stated Attorney General Letitia James. She emphasized that Shake A Paw's owners not only subjected the dogs in their care to despicable treatment but also defrauded customers by providing false information about the animals' health. This deceitful practice left numerous families burdened with substantial veterinary expenses."

In December 2021, Attorney General Letitia James initiated a lawsuit against Shake a Paw following her office's investigation. The probe exposed that the two locations engaged in deceptive practices, falsely promoting unwell pets as healthy, withholding information about the animals' actual medical conditions, and rejecting reimbursement for veterinary expenses incurred by consumers who purchased sick dogs.

Attorney General Letitia James highlighted specific instances, including one where a customer's purchased puppy succumbed to death merely six days after being assured of its well-being by a Shake A Paw employee. In another case, a customer's newly acquired puppy required hospitalization for severe double pneumonia a mere two days after the purchase, underscoring the serious health issues concealed by the pet store.

Furthermore, Attorney General Letitia James revealed that Shake A Paw misled customers about the origins of its puppies. The pet store failed to fully disclose that the purchased puppies were sourced from well-known puppy mills, adding another layer of deception to their business practices.

Contrary to their website's assertion of working with reputable breeders, Shake A Paw's owners, in reality, dispatched thousands of puppies from identified puppy mills. This included one on the Humane Society's "horrible hundred" list, highlighting the disconnect between their public claims and the actual practices of sourcing dogs from problematic breeding facilities, as stated by Attorney General Letitia James.

Expressing gratitude, former Shake A Paw customer Erin Laxton conveyed her thanks to the Attorney General's office for their years-long dedicated efforts on the case. She appreciates the accountability imposed on Shake A Paw for their deceptive practices and finds relief in the resolution. Despite the ongoing sadness of missing her puppy, Merlin, Laxton takes pride in contributing to the process and feels a sense of justice.

Due to a new state law taking effect in December, Shake A Paw will face a complete ban on selling dogs. This legislation prohibits pet stores from engaging in the sale of dogs, marking a significant outcome in response to the pet store's questionable practices.

Attorney General Letitia James declares an end to Shake A Paw's era of trading in unhealthy puppies, ensuring restitution for the losses incurred by former customers. She asserts a commitment to persist in safeguarding consumers and holding accountable anyone who breaches laws designed to protect innocent animals.

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