Offer of Up to $15,000 Reward for Gigi, Missing Service Dog of Long Island Veteran.


The close-knit community of North Fork, NY, demonstrates unwavering support as they rally together to assist in the search for Gigi, a missing service dog belonging to a local veteran. In a heartfelt gesture, Kait's Angels, a group dedicated to helping others in memory of Kaitlyn Doorhy, generously donated $5,000, elevating the total reward for Gigi's safe return to $15,000. This collaborative effort reflects the compassionate spirit of the community, showcasing their commitment to reuniting Gigi with her owner and highlighting the impact of collective goodwill in times of need.

Kait's Angels, established as a not-for-profit organization following the tragic passing of former Mattituck Strawberry Queen Kaitlyn Doorhy in 2014, has been a source of support for numerous North Fork residents. Their impactful initiatives, such as Designer Wingo Handbag events, Poker Runs, and annual yard sales, have successfully raised funds. With full hearts, the group extends assistance to residents navigating health crises and other challenges. Additionally, Kait's Angels has undertaken a meaningful project, installing Buddy Benches across the North Fork and beyond, ensuring that no child ever has to sit alone. This multifaceted approach reflects the organization's dedication to both immediate aid and creating lasting positive impacts within the community.

Joe Doorhy, Kaitlyn's father, shared with Patch the heartfelt reasons behind Kait's Angels' decision to assist in the search for Gigi. Compassionately reaching out, he spoke with the DiSilvio family, specifically Michael DiSilvio, a combat veteran contending with anxiety and PTSD. Michael, who served with the 101st Airborne Division at Fort Campbell, KY, and later at Fort Drum in Jefferson County, NY, has faced the challenges of military service. This empathetic gesture from Kait's Angels underscores their commitment to supporting those dealing with the emotional toll of service and emphasizes the organization's dedication to aiding individuals and families in times of need.

Doorhy expressed the emotional impact of his conversation with Mike, describing it as heartbreaking. He recounted how Mike, facing the distressing situation, couldn't hold back tears during their discussion. This poignant moment underscores the deep emotional connection and shared concern within the community as they come together to support one another during the search for Gigi.

The DiSilvio family has been enduring profound distress since Gigi, only a year and a half old when she was last seen, went missing on July 15 on Marratooka Lane in Mattituck. The disappearance of their beloved service dog has undoubtedly taken a toll on the entire family, adding to the urgency and significance of community efforts to bring Gigi home safely.

The Doorhys, familiar with the profound weight of loss since the tragic passing of their beloved daughter, are now driven by a deep sense of empathy to aid the DiSilvios in their search for Gigi. Joe Doorhy shared that he presented the idea of contributing funds to support the cause to the Kait's Angels board, and they unanimously agreed to extend their assistance. This compassionate response reflects the organization's commitment to standing alongside families facing challenges, emphasizing the strength of community support during difficult times.

Joe Doorhy expressed the collective desire to invigorate the search efforts for Gigi, emphasizing the community's commitment to taking meaningful action during this challenging time. Their intention to contribute and support the search underscores the resilience and compassion within the community as they unite to bring Gigi home.

Joe Doorhy highlighted a concerning aspect of Gigi's disappearance, mentioning videos circulating on social media depicting someone removing "missing" posters from poles during the night. He expressed his conviction that Gigi might have been stolen, underscoring the urgency to bring attention back to the story. This additional information adds a layer of complexity to the situation and underscores the need for a concerted effort to ensure Gigi's story reaches a wider audience for a swift resolution.

Kathleen Stewart DiSilvio expressed deep gratitude for the recent donation from Kait's Angels, emphasizing the profound joy it brought to her family's hearts. She lauded the organization, highlighting their widespread impact, stating, "They do so much for so many people." Kathleen found it particularly remarkable that Kait's Angels not only chose to support their cause but were also aware of Gigi's situation. This personalized touch added an extra layer of significance to the assistance provided.

Leading up to the donation from Kait's Angels, community contributions had already reached an impressive $10,000. The collective efforts of the hometown reflect a tight-knit community rallying together, pooling their resources in a desperate attempt to find Gigi. The generosity and solidarity demonstrated by both Kait's Angels and the local community underscore the power of communal support during challenging times, offering hope and resilience to the DiSilvio family in their search for Gigi.

Nancy Blasko, a resident of Mattituck, played a pivotal role in initiating the community effort to find Gigi. She expressed a determined belief that someone possesses crucial information regarding Gigi's disappearance, particularly concerning the removal of signs throughout the North Fork. With conviction, Nancy stated, "Someone knows something. Someone knows who took the signs down throughout the North Fork. They weren't taken down for no reason." Her words underscore the community's shared conviction that gathering information is crucial to Gigi's safe return.

In addition to the grassroots efforts, a GoFundMe campaign has been launched to further aid in the search for Gigi. This platform provides an additional avenue for individuals to contribute and show support for the cause. The creation of a GoFundMe campaign reflects the community's proactive approach, utilizing various channels to maximize their reach and resources in the pursuit of finding Gigi.

The organizers of the effort emphasize a compassionate and straightforward approach, assuring that no questions will be asked. Their primary goal is clear: to bring Gigi home safely. This unwavering focus on Gigi's well-being echoes the community's collective commitment to reuniting the missing service dog with her family, demonstrating a resolute determination to navigate through challenges and uncertainties.

Nancy Blasko demonstrated her commitment to finding Gigi by pledging $1,000 of her own money to contribute to the reward offered. Her pledge not only reflects personal investment but also serves as a rallying call to the community, urging them to actively participate in the search. With a sense of urgency, Nancy emphasized the gravity of Gigi's disappearance, stating, "She didn't just vanish! It could be even your neighbor that has her. This is our local veteran from our hometown. This is a service dog and a family pet." Her words carry a powerful message, appealing to the shared sense of community and compassion within the hometown.

In a direct plea to the person who may have Gigi, Nancy urged, "To the person that has her — no one knows it's you, just drop her off at home. Do the right thing." This heartfelt appeal underscores the community's hope for a compassionate resolution and emphasizes the importance of empathy in the ongoing efforts to bring Gigi back to her family.

In a touching display of community solidarity, a heartfelt scene unfolded as friends and neighbors, many of whom had never met Gigi, engaged with the Facebook post, offering their own generous donations. The outpouring of support was both spontaneous and heartwarming, symbolizing the collective spirit of the hometown. Amid the comments, contributions varied – someone pledged $500, another offered $50, and a compassionate woman, despite financial constraints, expressed her desire to donate $25, all with the shared goal of bringing Gigi home.

As the donations continued to pour in, it became a flurry of love and hometown spirit, embodying the belief that, fueled by love, Gigi would soon be back in the arms of her adoring family. Kathleen Stewart DiSilvio, while tearfully describing Gigi as a black Labrador Retriever, shared the challenging emotions surrounding her disappearance. Despite the raw grief and yearning, she and her family are determined to keep Gigi's story alive, underscoring the necessity for the search to persist. In their hearts, they maintain a profound belief that Gigi is alive and awaiting a joyous reunion with her family. This shared conviction fuels the ongoing efforts of the community, driven by the hope that their collective love and determination will lead Gigi back home.

Nancy Blasko shared that reading a recent Patch article about Gigi, who has been missing for almost seven months, stirred a deep sense of empathy, compelling her to take action. Expressing the emotional impact, she stated, "It breaks my heart to see Kathleen, Mike, and their kids hurt." Having regular conversations with Kathleen, Nancy felt a strong urge to bring attention to Gigi's situation, sensing an emotional closeness to the matter. She emphasized the belief that someone holds vital information, yet chooses to stay silent, expressing her hopes through heartfelt prayers for Kathleen and her family. Nancy's plea encapsulates a profound desire for resolution, urging the individual with information about Gigi to come forward and bring an end to the family's heartache.

Nancy Blasko, moved by compassion and empathy, revealed that reading a recent Patch article about Gigi's prolonged absence, now nearing seven months, served as a powerful catalyst for her to take action. Expressing the depth of her emotional response, Nancy articulated, "It breaks my heart to see Kathleen, Mike, and their kids hurt." The poignant impact of the family's distress resonated strongly with her, prompting a profound sense of connection to their plight.

Having regular conversations with Kathleen, Nancy found herself intimately involved in the unfolding tragedy, strengthening her resolve to bring attention to Gigi's situation. She sensed an emotional closeness to the matter, intensifying her determination to contribute to the ongoing efforts to locate the missing service dog. Emphasizing a prevailing belief that someone possesses crucial information but has chosen to remain silent, Nancy conveyed her hopes through heartfelt prayers for Kathleen and her family. Her plea reverberates with a profound desire for resolution, reflecting the collective yearning of the community to alleviate the family's prolonged heartache.

Nancy's appeal serves as a poignant call for the individual withholding information about Gigi to step forward, emphasizing the potential impact of their actions in bringing an end to the family's enduring pain. Her compassionate efforts echo the broader community's commitment to supporting the DiSilvio family and underscores the shared hope that Gigi's story will soon find a positive and heartwarming resolution.

The search for Gigi has been a prolonged and challenging journey, marked by various obstacles, including false sightings and the consistent removal of "missing" posters. Despite enduring numerous long days and nights without Gigi, Kathleen Stewart DiSilvio and her family have steadfastly clung to the belief that one day, Gigi would come home. Kathleen expressed her unwavering faith, stating, "I've never felt that she's no longer around. I truly believe that she is out there."

In the face of adversity, DiSilvio and her family extend heartfelt gratitude to the many individuals who have come forward to assist in the search. Their appreciation encompasses those who dedicated time to creating and distributing flyers, those who shared Gigi's photo and story on social media platforms, and the compassionate individuals who rallied together to actively participate in the search efforts. This collective outpouring of support reflects the strength of community bonds and the shared commitment to bring Gigi home, emphasizing that even in the midst of challenges, the spirit of solidarity and hope prevails.

Kathleen Stewart DiSilvio shared touching moments of community support, mentioning people who pull up in cars in front of their house just to offer prayers for Gigi. Additionally, prayer groups have been actively remembering Gigi during their gatherings, showcasing the widespread care and concern for the missing service dog. Kathleen expressed the collective belief held by the community, stating, "All of us in our heart of hearts — we believe she’s alive." This enduring hope fuels Kathleen's daily outlook, as she wakes up each day with the anticipation that today could be the day of Gigi's return.

For those who may have information about Gigi's whereabouts or wish to contribute to the reward fund, they are encouraged to call or text 516-443-4902. This contact information serves as a vital link for the community to come together, share information, and actively participate in the ongoing efforts to reunite Gigi with her family.

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