"Tragic Incident Unfolds as 19-Year-Old Fatally Shot by Police in Long Island Home"


Stone Boulevard in Massapequa.

The incident transpired a few minutes before 8:30 p.m. on Friday, February 2nd, in the town of Massapequa, adding a somber note to the evening as events unfolded.

Nassau County Police swiftly responded to a distress call concerning a potentially suicidal 19-year-old at a residence on Stone Boulevard. The officers, driven by the urgency of the situation, engaged in a challenging and sensitive operation to address the reported concerns.

Upon their arrival, Nassau County PD observed the individual, identified as David Clements, positioned in front of his residence, gripping three handguns—each hand holding a gun and pointing them at his head. The tense scene unfolded, demanding immediate and delicate intervention from law enforcement.

Police noted that amidst the distressing situation, David Clements was issuing threats of self-harm, remaining unresponsive to multiple commands from officers urging him to disarm himself. The challenging circumstances intensified as officers sought to navigate the delicate and urgent resolution of the unfolding crisis.

Clements, after retreating into his home momentarily, emerged once again, engaging in a perilous confrontation with law enforcement. According to police accounts, he hastily descended his driveway, brandishing his weapon at officers. The escalating threat compelled an officer to resort to deadly force as a last resort, with the unfortunate necessity of shooting David Clements to protect both officers and the public from imminent danger.

Regrettably, David Clements was pronounced dead at the scene by a Nassau County Police Department medic, marking the tragic outcome of the distressing incident on Stone Boulevard.

The Nassau County Police Department Homicide Squad will persist in its investigation into this incident, collaborating closely with the New York State Attorney General's Office to ensure a thorough examination of the circumstances surrounding the tragic event on Stone Boulevard.

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