
Do you recycle?

Recycling on Long Island has always been a problem. Many people on Long Island don't recycle, and thats a major issue for the landfill. There are millions of people on the island, in both Nassau and Suffolk County. If we don't recycle it's a danger to our atmosphere, animals, environment. We must do what we can as a community to help reduce waste. If people don't recycle, they should be fined. Recycling should be made into a mandated law. Everyone is provided a recycling can. If you don't have one contact the town. It's simple: Reduce, reuse, and recycle. 

When we take time to recycle we feel great about it. Like we're helping the environment we live in. We are doing our part for our planet. Only 9% of the world's plastics have been recycled. Many plastics take years to even start breaking down. Plastic really never fully degrades =- it photodegrades- which means the particles just get smaller, and smaller. Thee microplastic's wind up polluting our oceans, ground water, and according to study done by the University of Newcastle, we ingest 5 grams of microplastics every week. That's like eating the same thing as a credit card. Gross right? 

On Long Island, ONLY plastics numbered 1 & 2 can be recycled through your local recycling program. Its a shame to think how few plastics we use on an everyday basis are actually recyclable. 

Please make sure you sort your trash. It's extremely important. Also, please rinse off recyclables due to contamination. 

What happens to waste that doesn't get recycled?.
Municipal solid waste, often called garbage, is used to protect energy at waste to energy plants where garbage is burned and converted into energy 

- Biomass, or biogenic plant or animal products materials such as paper, cardboard, food waste, grass clippings, leaves, wood, and leather products

-Nonbiomass combustible materials such as plastics and other synthetic materials made from petroleum
- Noncombustable materials such as glass and metals

We can avoid sending our trash to waste to energy Plants by using and buying less plastic. One of the biggest reasons why I love the zero waste lifestyle and movement is because it doesn't ask you to give up anything, or spend money on anything- it asks that we simply replace the one behavior for another. For example..

1. Bring your own water bottle
2. Bring your own cutlery
3. Avoid disposable items like plastic razors and toothbrushes
4. Bring your own totes and reusable bags
5. Pay attention to packing and try to buy items that are biodegradable.

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