Title: "Four Years After Thomas Valva's Tragic Death, A Call for Reform: Remembering a Hero"


Thomas Valva, despite the horror he endured at home, loved school, his teachers, and learning. This was his last photo at school, taken the day before he died, his hands raw and chapped from the cold. (Courtesy Suffolk County District Attorney's Office)

Suffolk County Executive Ed Romaine has made a commitment to address the shortcomings of Child Protective Services (CPS) with a comprehensive plan aimed at preventing any future lapses in child welfare. In response to past failures that resulted in tragic outcomes, particularly the death of Thomas Valva, Romaine is determined to implement substantial reforms within CPS.

The plan is expected to encompass various aspects of CPS operations, including but not limited to staffing, training, and procedural improvements. Romaine emphasizes the urgency of creating a system that is more robust, responsive, and capable of safeguarding children effectively. The objective is to ensure that no child under the care of CPS experiences neglect, abuse, or any form of harm due to systemic deficiencies.

This initiative underscores Romaine's commitment to protecting vulnerable children and addressing the challenges that have been identified within the existing CPS framework. As details of the plan emerge, it will be crucial for stakeholders, the public, and advocacy groups to closely monitor its implementation and effectiveness in achieving the stated goal of preventing further tragedies within Suffolk County's Child Protective Services.

On the early morning of January 17, 2024, Center Moriches experienced bone-chilling temperatures in the low teens, barely reaching 20 degrees Fahrenheit by 8 a.m. These frigid conditions were eerily reminiscent of the tragic events that unfolded in 2020. Thomas Valva, on a 19-degree night in that year, endured a harrowing experience in his father's icy garage without the comfort of blankets or pillows to shield him from the biting cold.

The following morning, in a horrifying turn of events, Thomas Valva's father subjected him to further cruelty. Outdoors near their Center Moriches residence, Thomas was reportedly doused with cold water while naked. This distressing incident sheds light on the severe mistreatment that Thomas Valva endured, exposing him to life-threatening conditions and contributing to the tragic outcome that unfolded.

The stark contrast between the freezing temperatures of those early January mornings and the lack of basic necessities for warmth in Thomas Valva's situation serves as a poignant reminder of the vulnerability of individuals, particularly children, when subjected to neglect and abuse. The community and authorities continue to grapple with the implications of this heartbreaking case, emphasizing the importance of addressing systemic issues to prevent such tragedies from occurring in the future.

The heartbreaking reality of Thomas Valva's fate unfolded on the morning of January 17, 2020. Tragically, at the tender age of 8, Thomas lost his life to hypothermia, marking a devastating outcome to the severe conditions he endured the night before in his father's icy garage. This stark event underscores the urgency and importance of addressing child welfare issues and ensuring the safety and well-being of vulnerable individuals within our communities. The memory of Thomas Valva serves as a poignant reminder of the collective responsibility to protect and advocate for the welfare of children, fostering a commitment to preventing such tragic incidents in the future.

The aftermath of Thomas Valva's tragic death on January 17, 2020, has cast a heavy shadow of grief over the years that followed. His mother, Justyna Zubko-Valva, along with his two brothers, teachers, and the entire community, has grappled with the profound loss. The unfolding narrative of the days leading to Thomas's death has been agonizingly clear, unraveling a tale of heartbreak, neglect, and abuse that has deeply affected those close to him and left the community shattered.

In the quest for answers and justice, Thomas Valva's story serves as a painful reminder of the critical need for vigilance in safeguarding the well-being of vulnerable individuals. The shared sorrow within the community underscores the importance of collective efforts to address systemic issues, ensuring that tragedies like this are not repeated and that the memory of Thomas Valva contributes to positive change in child protection and welfare.

The harrowing days leading up to Thomas Valva's tragic death were marked by unimaginable suffering. Thomas and his brother, in the grip of hunger, resorted to foraging through school trash and consuming whatever meager crumbs they could find on the floor. Their nights were spent in the cold garage, resulting in red and chapped hands from the unforgiving cold.

The heartbreaking neglect extended to mornings when they were sent to school soaked in urine, highlighting the dire conditions they faced. Evenings brought a stark contrast as they sat alone in the garage while the rest of the family enjoyed holidays, leaving Thomas and his brother excluded from the warmth of family celebrations. Their basic needs, such as using the bathroom or getting a glass of water, were callously denied, adding to the profound neglect they endured.

These distressing details underscore the urgent need for systemic changes in child protective services and heightened awareness of the signs of abuse. The tragedy of Thomas Valva's life serves as a poignant call to address the failures that allowed such suffering to persist and to ensure that vulnerable children receive the protection and care they deserve.

Former-NYPD Officer Michael Valva faced the consequences of his actions as he was sentenced to 25 years to life in prison. This judgment came following his conviction for the murder of his 8-year-old son, Thomas Valva. The legal proceedings and subsequent sentencing reflect the gravity of the charges and the acknowledgment of the severe mistreatment that led to the tragic loss of Thomas's life. The verdict underscores the commitment to justice and accountability in cases of such profound and devastating nature.

Michael Valva, along with his then-fiancée Angela Pollina, faced legal consequences for their actions. Both were arrested on January 24, 2020, and charged with second-degree murder and four counts of endangering the welfare of a child. The legal proceedings culminated in their convictions, with both receiving a sentence of 25 years to life in prison in 2023. The charges and subsequent sentencing underscore the severity of the crimes committed against Thomas Valva and emphasize the pursuit of justice for the endangerment and tragic loss of a young life.

The living conditions for Thomas Valva and his older autistic brother were described as a "house of horrors" by Assistant District Attorney Kerriann Kelly. This characterization emphasizes the extreme neglect and mistreatment they endured. Thomas's tragic death was accompanied by the revelation that his body temperature had plummeted to 76.1 degrees, a staggering 20 degrees lower than normal. These distressing details underscore the severe abuse and dire circumstances the brothers faced, highlighting the urgent need for improved awareness, intervention, and systemic changes to protect vulnerable individuals from such appalling conditions.

The seemingly ordinary exterior of the home where Thomas lived with his father, two brothers, Angela Pollina, and her three daughters concealed a nightmarish reality. The trials of both Michael Valva and Angela Pollina unfolded with heart-wrenching stories of abuse that moved many to tears. Witnesses, including teachers at Thomas' school, were visibly emotional as they recounted witnessing the boys in deplorable conditions—starving, cold, covered in bruises and scratches, and resorting to eating crumbs from the floor. The disturbing accounts included details of the boys being sent to school in soiled, wet clothing and pullups, painting a grim picture of the persistent neglect and mistreatment they endured within the confines of their home.

Four years after the tragic death of Thomas Valva, the impact on those who remember his trusting eyes, filled with hope at the school he loved, remains profound. Despite the agony he endured at home, the community and advocates are still rallying for justice. Their collective hope is for a future where no child has to endure such suffering, die alone, cold, hungry, and afraid. The memory of Thomas Valva serves as a poignant reminder of the ongoing need for systemic changes to ensure the safety and well-being of vulnerable children and prevent such heart-wrenching tragedies from occurring again.

In his inaugural speech, Suffolk County Executive Ed Romaine, newly elected four years after Thomas Valva's tragic death, expressed a determined commitment to rectify the existing system. He vowed to ensure that no child would slip through Child Protective Services and face a similar fate, referencing the documented calls to save Thomas that went unheeded.

Romaine emphasized the seriousness of the need for improvement within the county's Child Protective Services. During the inauguration ceremony, he shared a poignant personal connection by pointing to his grandson, who had sat next to a young boy named Thomas Valva in third grade. This experience reinforced the gravity of the government's failures in protecting vulnerable children. Romaine pledged to work diligently towards establishing a system that would not fail another child, demonstrating a dedicated effort to address the shortcomings and prevent future tragedies.

County Executive Ed Romaine, as of Wednesday, has been actively assessing Suffolk County's Social Services and Child Protective Services departments. He expressed his commitment to unveil a comprehensive plan addressing any deficiencies that may have contributed to the tragic death of Thomas Valva. This initiative reflects ongoing efforts to strengthen child protection measures and rectify systemic issues within these crucial departments.

On the fourth anniversary without her son, Thomas's mother, Justyna Zubko-Valva, reflected on the memories of her boy. Despite the heartbreak, she fondly remembered his bright smile and laughter, which still resonate through YouTube videos she made with him during his short life. The anniversary serves as a poignant moment for remembrance and a call to action for improved child welfare systems to prevent similar tragedies in the future.

In 2020, Justyna Zubko-Valva filed a $200 million wrongful death suit, seeking justice for the loss of her son, Thomas. Despite the legal battle, the family strives to cherish every memory of Tommy. They fondly recall his beautiful personality—kind, gentle, and merciful—along with his bright smile, heartwarming hugs, and kisses. Despite the profound grief, the family finds solace in the memories, believing that Tommy is smiling down from heaven and being remembered by many who loved him.

Justyna Zubko-Valva shared that Thomas's brothers deeply miss him, and though their hearts remain shattered over his tragic death, they find some solace in the belief that Tommy is with God and Holy Mary. This spiritual connection brings tremendous healing to the family. She described her son as having become "God's warrior for truth and justice," emphasizing the enduring impact of his memory and the family's commitment to seeking truth and justice in the wake of the heartbreaking loss.

Gino Cali, father of Angela Pollina's youngest daughter, expressed the lasting impact on his life, stating that he still feels intense anger over the fact that Thomas died to save five other kids. He emphasized that, despite the passage of time, this feeling remains because Thomas was failed. Regarding the prison sentences of Michael Valva and Angela Pollina, Cali conveyed deep anger, suggesting a fervent hope for a difficult and harsh experience for them during their incarceration, expressing, "If there's a God in heaven, he's making sure their stay there is horrible."

Geri Antonacci, Gino Cali's significant other, reiterated the deep impact of Thomas's passing, acknowledging the four years since he left this world due to what she described as "evil monsters." Despite the cruel circumstances, she expressed the belief that Thomas is now in a beautiful heaven, enjoying the childhood he deserved but never got. Geri emphasized that Thomas remains an integral part of their family every day, with thoughts, tears, and conversations dedicated to his memory.

Describing Thomas as a hero, Geri noted that he saved five other children and has become their guardian angel. She expressed the comforting belief that Thomas is always watching over his wonderful brothers and his amazing mom, contributing to the enduring connection and love the family feels for him.

Geri Antonacci, echoing the sentiments of many, emphasized the urgent need for change within the broken system. She expressed the hope that reforms would be implemented within Child Protective Services (CPS), and those responsible for failing to protect Thomas and the other children would face appropriate consequences. Antonacci also conveyed the desire for Michael Valva and Angela Pollina to experience the same torment they inflicted on the children.

Dina Marie Marrazzo, the creator of the "Take Action: Justice for Thomas" Facebook page, mourned Thomas's passing and questioned the plans of new officials to protect children within the system. She highlighted the importance of ongoing efforts to safeguard vulnerable children and sought clarity on the strategies and initiatives aimed at preventing similar tragedies in the future.

Dina Marie Marrazzo expressed a continued prayer for Thomas, hoping that he is happy and free. This sentiment reflects the ongoing emotional connection and care for his well-being, even as the community works towards justice and systemic changes to protect children in the future.

Dina Marie Marrazzo expressed gratitude for her Facebook group, "Take Action: Justice for Thomas," as a means of keeping his spirit alive. She acknowledged the profound impact Thomas had on many lives, emphasizing the love he continues to receive. Marrazzo shared that his birthday and the start of the new school year in September evoke sadness, highlighting the tragedy of a life taken too soon at the hands of evil. The group serves as a platform for remembrance and advocacy, ensuring that Thomas's memory endures and contributes to positive change.

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