Patchogue family's housing at risk as squatters evade court for the second time, raising concerns of potential homelessness.

Disappointment struck the Patchogue family once more on Wednesday as they sought to reclaim ownership of their home.

Kimberly Copenhaver temporarily relocated, but her entrusted friend, who was supposed to oversee the house, rented it out without her consent during her absence.

Currently, occupants refuse to vacate the house, and under New York law, squatters gain legal tenant status after 30 days of occupation.

Copenhaver's sole recourse for reclaiming her home is the eviction process. The occupants, absent for the second court date on Wednesday, led to a second adjournment of the case.

Copenhaver and her family have been intermittently staying in hotel rooms for months, facing a looming financial deadline as their funds dwindle.

Fortunately, the current hotel stay was extended through the holiday, but Copenhaver reveals they'll face homelessness on January 1. With no resources left, including maxed-out credit cards and depleted savings, they plan to live out of two cars.

The final hearing is now rescheduled for December 20.

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